The following form is a jurat or certificate of authorized officer that an Affidavit was properly made regarding an illiterate affiant with at least two witnesses.
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An Affidavit is a written statement made under oath that is used as evidence in a court of law.
Being illiterate means unable to read or write.
Yes, an illiterate person can sign an Affidavit by making a thumbprint or marking an 'X' in the presence of a witness who can attest to the illiterate person's identity.
An Affidavit should include details about the case or incident, a statement of facts, the date and location of the incident, and the full name and contact information of the person making the Affidavit.
For an illiterate person's Affidavit, it is important to have a witness present who can confirm that the person understands the contents of the Affidavit and intends to sign it.
Yes, someone else can write the Affidavit for an illiterate person, as long as the illiterate person understands its contents and confirms their agreement with it before signing.
Yes, an illiterate person can use a digital signature for an Affidavit, as long as they understand the process and purpose of providing a digital signature.
Signing under oath means that the signer acknowledges that the information provided in the Affidavit is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge, and they can be held legally responsible for any false statements.
An illiterate person can seek assistance from a legal aid organization, a trusted friend or family member, or consult with a lawyer to help them prepare an Affidavit.
Yes, an illiterate person can sign an Affidavit in any language they understand, as long as the contents and purpose of the Affidavit are explained to them to ensure they comprehend its meaning.
Complete the notarial certificate with all the required information. Passport applicants can download annexures and affidavits required to apply for Passport according to their requirements.If the person making an affidavit is blind or illiterate, the authorised witness for the document must:. Affidavits does not authorize a person to certify or verify documents. Your Duties in Completing the Affidavit or. Statutory Declaration . Such factual statements are complete, true, and correct. The person who makes an affidavit is called the deponent. When witnessing an affidavit, a JP must hear the deponent swear an oath or make an affirmation. Since an illiterate is not be able to read, write and understand a document; such a person will need the assistance of literate person.