File a fraud claim.
If a Verizon Account has been created using your information, please begin your claim below by selecting the correct claim form: Consumer or Business.
Consumer claims
BEFORE you get started, here is what you will need.
- Proof of identity: A current copy of a government-issued form of identification.
- Proof of residence: For the period of time when the event occurred such as a rental lease, mortgage agreement or a utility bill for the address in your name and showing the date. For a rental lease or mortgage agreement, only the first page and signature page are needed.
- Police report: Identity theft is a crime. Therefore, we need you file a police report. If you know who used your identity, you must provide that information. It is our policy to cooperate with law enforcement in the course of their legal investigation regarding identity theft. You will need to provide a copy of this report in order to complete your claim.
ALL documents must be submitted in non-editable format such as a photo file (jpeg or png) or PDF. The size of each uploaded file must be under 2 MB.
Business claims
Before you get started, here is what you will need.
- Proof of identity: A current copy of a government issued photo ID of the authorized party.