[Company Name] uses physical bulletin boards to transmit information to employees. Bulletin board postings facilitate communication on various workplace and business activities. Though the company also uses other communication methods (e.g., electronic bulletin board, e-mail), physical bulletin boards are useful in providing information to employees at a specific physical location.
[Company Name] maintains bulletin boards for workplace postings and [Company Name]-approved business purposes. Workplace postings provide federal, state and local workplace guidance required by law.
Bulletin boards are located in areas of general employee access (i.e., at elevator doors, front, side and rear entrances, and in the break room). Use of [Company Name] bulletin boards is subject to the following rules:
All bulletin board postings are to be approved by the human resource (HR) department, which is responsible for monitoring, updating and removing posted items. No notices or communications may be posted on any [Company Name] bulletin boards by an employee or third party without the prior review and approval of the HR department.
Bulletin board keys will be kept in the HR department and are not to be given to employees other than HR personnel authorized to update the bulletin boards.
Employees should make an effort to check the physical bulletin board at the beginning of each shift.